First from home – the two Shooting Star blocks are done so I will need to get busy and make another couple of them. More rows are put together from the Half Hexies – it is getting too big for the pressing mat so will need to take it to the kitchen to press next […]
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Yesterday was another day for being outside – enjoying the warm temperatures. When I came out of the dentist office at 2:30 or so it was 85 degrees outside – unbelievable for March 12th. At home up on the ridge it was 80 – nice there too. Deer were seen in the backyard Flowers blooming […]
read moreI was able to finish up the last stitching on this section of Noriko’s Star I was working on and take it outside for some photo’s – it wasn’t windy! And the sun was mostly shining. Two sections left to make and then the 4 corners – this will still take until the end of […]
read moreIt was another nice day outside so I really didn’t do a lot inside but I did get some more cutting done on Shooting Star – some strips were pressed And some pieces cut. Like I say not a lot – I just wasn’t into sitting at table and working on this all that much […]
read moreI do not intend to work on Shooting Star constantly at the machine as I will be trying to catch up on the hand work part of it also – I will be going back and forth on that. Yesterday I got the red circle appliqued in place and started to hand stitch the star […]
read moreWell I experimented and watched the video once again to see if I was doing anything wrong – and ended up with 10 not 12 points for the second time so I’m sticking to it – if I am doing something wrong – I do not care – it is as good as it will […]
read moreWe had it all yesterday, light rain, sleet, light ice, and some snow – more in the night? I will find out when I get up this morning (written last night). While it was doing all of it’s nasty stuff outside I read the morning away and even fell back to sleep on the couch […]
read moreNow that the Rose Garden is put away I started to organize by putting away extra squares in my boxes- and the 1.5” and 2.5” are just about full – the 2” box is already full. (forgot to get a photo of those) I can see a patchwork will need to be done this year […]
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